On Tuesday, I was grouped with Judy and we were given the task of analyzing pages 95 to 97. In the text, the Minute Men are portrayed as the authority and also an extension of Buzz’s control. The Minute Men assault people who speak out against Buss. The Minute Men are enforcing Buzz’s ideals through violence. Among those are assaulted include a middle-aged man who is explaining Jeffersonian and a female communist speaker. What we discovered is the MM were assaulting anyone who they deemed unappealing or were against them. This shows that they are using violence to enforce “thought control.” Anyone who was a free-thinker could be arrested.
The short trip to the LaGuardia Archivists was interesting. We went over Major Wagner’s televised speech to the city after a riot in Harlem broke out. Major Wagner, we discussed, was trying to appeal to all races as to lower the tensions building by each racial group. Although Major Wagner tries to defuse the situation, he does not give any clear plans to prevent this from happening again. One discussion in Group 2, was if we thought police officers should carry guns. I believe the question can be answered by when and where police officers lived. In New York today, it is a necessity if you’re a police officer due to New York being a huge place for drugs and the target for many unsolicited terrorists acts. However, in some parts of New York and probably other parts of the world are peaceful enough that police officers can walk around with a stick instead of a weapon
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